We are passionate about getting children outdoors, connecting with the natural world and inspiring them to act on behalf of nature. We have 40 years of experience in leading and supporting high quality outdoor learning experiences, at our learning centres or in your setting.
Sign up to our schools newsletter for great activity ideas, inspiration and updates on our work with children and young people.
Come to us
We offer a wide range of curriculum and wellbeing-linked day and residential visits at Folly Farm and Grow Wilder.

(c) Barbara Evripidou
Let us come to you
Our experienced staff can lead in-school workshops, following Covid-19 safety measures. We will explore your school grounds, discovering and learning about the habitats and species that live there, and discussing how to make your school even more wildlife friendly. During the pandemic we are also offering live conservation-related talks on Zoom for your class, on a wide range of topics including ‘nocturnal animals’, ‘taking action for nature’ and ‘conservation careers’.
We love the trip and come every year - all staff are excellent!

WildNet - Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography
Free Activities and Resources
Videos, worksheets & activity ideas for making your school a haven for wildlife.

Steph Sharkey
Nature Clubs
If you want to start or rejuvenate a nature club in your setting, we can help. Take a look at the resources on our Wildlife Watch website, or get in touch for a chat about how we can support your club, including lending you a Wild School Film Challenge kit box.
Steph Sharkey
Develop your knowledge and skills
Our professional learning workshops will develop your knowledge, skills and confidence in leading outdoor learning in your setting.
Find out more
Contact Lucy and Becky learning@avonwildlifetrust.org.uk
07458 091424
Other useful links for schools
- Our Bright Future (https://www.avonwildlifetrust.org.uk/get-involved/opportunities-young-people)
- Raise money for wildlife (https://www.justgiving.com/avonwildlifetrust)
- Wildlife Gardening (https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/gardening)
- #30DaysWild (http://action.wildlifetrusts.org/page/20877/petition/1)
- City Nature Challenge (http://www.bnhc.org.uk/festival-of-nature/city-nature-challenge/)
- Festival of Nature (http://www.bnhc.org.uk/festival-of-nature-type/whats-happening-in-2018/)
- Wildlife Advice (https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-advice)