Coronavirus Appeal


Coronavirus Appeal

Can you help secure nature's future in Avon?

Coronavirus has had a drastic impact on our finances

We had so many exciting plans, projects and events to benefit wildlife in 2020 which should have been in full swing throughout spring and summer. Instead, these have all been cancelled, postponed or changed because of the devastating effects of coronavirus. We had to shut down most of our operations from April to July and are only just restarting some of these as lockdown restrictions are eased. 

This has had a significant impact on the Trust’s finances, with income from projects, fundraising, sales and services all being affected. Overall, we estimate that our income could be down by Â£1 million in this year alone, resulting in losses of up to £280,000. This is on top of the work already generated by ash dieback which has resulted in urgent safety measures being carried out across our reserves. We have had to furlough many of our staff and recruiters, asked our fantastic volunteers to stay at home for their own safety and accessed all loan and grant schemes we could find to offset the impact of lockdown. The way we work as an organisation has been challenged and we've had to make some hard decisions already, including reducing our staff team by 20%, resulting in redundancies and the loss of some talented and passionate people to ensure that we can continue our front-line conservation work. We need you now more than ever to make sure we get through this crisis to be able to champion local wildlife. 

Coronavirus Appeal

The global pandemic threatens the safety of Avon's wildlife. Can you help us continue to be there for local nature?
We're in the grips of an unparalleled emergency but nature needs our help now, more than ever. Please donate today to help local wildlife survive long into the future.
Ian Barrett
Chief Executive, Avon Wildlife Trust

Together, we can secure a future for local wildlife

Throughout lockdown, many of us turned to nature on our doorsteps as a source of comfort and hope. More and more people are now understanding the true value of the natural world and its role in combating the twin climate and ecological emergencies. We want to make the most of this positive momentum for change but can only do so with you by our side. 

We have big plans to help wildlife but we need you to make them happen. We plan to help pollinators move around the region by creating and improving a network of inter-connected habitats as part of our B-Lines project. As well as promoting wildlife biodiversity, projects such as this encourage landowners and develops to work with wildlife in mind and engage communities with nature in their local area. We need your help to support projects that protect and restore our natural world and connect local communities and businesses with wildlife in a positive way.

We are confident that with your support we will be able to continue to protect and restore wildlife, encourage more people to take action for nature and help bring wildlife back across 30% of land by 2030. Can you join us in fighting for this future? 

Coronavirus Appeal

Together, we can fight to bring wildlife back across Avon.

Other ways to donate

You can also donate by telephoning 01179 177 270 or send a cheque made payable to Avon Wildlife Trust to 32 Jacobs Wells Road, Bristol, BS8 1DR. Please specify that your cheque is for the Coronavirus Appeal.  

You can donate via PayPal through our JustGiving campaign which is linked below.

Every donation, whatever the size, will make a difference to Avon's wildlife. Anything you can spare will help us secure the future of the Trust so we can continue working together to protect and restore the natural world in Avon. 

Thank you so much for your continuing support.

Donate via PayPal or start a fundraiser