A nature recovery network for Avon
Our wildlife needs more space to thrive
Our Avon region contains important urban and rural landscapes which provide shelter and habitat for many wild plants and animals but our wildlife needs more space to thrive. And though they are beautiful and valuable, we need more than our 30 nature reserves for this to happen.
The only route to nature's recovery is through the creation of a nature recovery network - an interconnected network across the four counties of Avon and beyond, where wild plants and animals don't simply survive in diminishing numbers but can thrive, moving from place to place, living, feeding and flourishing into the future.
If nature is to recover in Avon, it needs more spaces which are bigger, better, and joined up across a network
David Attenborough explains a Nature Recovery Network
Connecting our landscapes for wildlife
Bats, lapwing, hedgehogs, glow worms and butterflies are just some of wild animals that depend on a connected landscape. This map of our region shows some of the landscape features they depend on like wetlands, hedgerows, grasslands and urban spaces like parks and gardens.

Sarah Mulvanny Agency Rush
Working with others to join up landscapes
We're working with local authorities, landowners, businesses, partners and volunteers to improve existing habitats, create new ones and join up wild spaces in towns, cities and neighbourhoods. We're a key partner of the West of England Nature Partnership and leading work on mapping a Nature Recovery Network for the West of England.