Remember a loved one

Bluebells and grass

(c) Steve Nicholls

Remember a loved one

Celebrate your loved one's life by protecting the wildlife they loved

Thank you for choosing to donate to Avon Wildlife Trust in memory of your loved one. A gift in memory is a truly special way to remember the ones you’ve lost by supporting a cause that was close to their heart.

false - Evie and Tom photography

Donate in memory of your loved one

Like scattered seeds, memories bloom forever

There are a number of ways you can remember your loved one, from arranging a funeral collection to making a dedication in our virtual Remembrance Meadow.

Your loved one’s memory will live on in the future that your kind donation helps bring us closer towards—where the woodlands are filled with birdsong in spring; fields are carpeted with wildflowers in summer; and kingfishers flash their colours in healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. Thank you.

Have a look through our options below to find which is right for you.

Summer meadow at Folly Farm

(c) Magic Carpet Media

Sow a memory in our meadow

Leave a lasting tribute to your loved one with a dedication in our virtual Remembrance Meadow. Share your memories and enjoy a quiet minute of remembrance in our immersive wildflower meadow at Folly Farm, captured forever in all its summer glory.

Make a dedication
Roe deer in bluebell wood

Donald Sutherland

Arrange a funeral collection

Many people ask for charitable donations in lieu of flowers at funerals or memorials. You can hold a collection on the day or set up a collection beforehand for family and friends to donate online. Click the link below to find out more.

Arrange a funeral collection
Marbled white butterfly on pyramidal orchid

Marbled White (Melanagria galathea) resting on Pyramidal Orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis), Badbury Rings, Wimborne, Dorset, England, UK - Guy Edwardes/2020VISION

Create an online tribute page

A tribute page is a unique and special way to celebrate your loved one's memory whilst supporting the wildlife they loved in life. A personalised tribute offers you an online space dedicated to your loved one, where you can share thoughts, photos and stories along with family and friends as you fundraise in their memory.

Create a tribute

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you able to offer memorial tree planting on your reserves?

We understand that, for many people, planting a tree is synonymous with commemorating a loved one. We love trees too. However, maintaining and protecting significant trees in a wild environment is not always practical.

Nationally, we’ve lost 97% of our wildflower meadows which makes our meadow at Folly Farm extremely special.

We’ve chosen to dedicate our Remembrance Meadow as a place to share memories of loved ones that will last forever.

We captured the sights and sounds in all this beautiful spot's summer glory so you can enjoy time in the ‘virtual meadow’ at any time, from anywhere. You can simply click to visit at any time and enjoy a quiet minute of remembrance in our peaceful summer wildflower meadow.

You can also visit Folly Farm year-round and we will be adding links to the virtual Remembrance Meadow from the Access for All trail next year, so that you will be able to capture photos from your visits, view the memories shared and add new dedications while visiting.

Find out more

Can I donate in memory of my loved one through post?

We accept donations in memory through the post as well as online. Simply let us know who you are remembering with your gift and send to our office at the address below. Please make cheques payable to 'Avon Wildlife Trust' and send to:

Avon Wildlife Trust

17 Great George Street



You can also donate in memory of your loved one over the phone. Give us a call on 01179 177 270 and a member of our friendly team will process your gift for you.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to transfer your gift online, you can do so using the link below:

I would like to donate in memory of my loved one

Is there a minimum amount I can donate in memory of my loved one?

You are welcome to remember a beloved wildlife enthusiast with a dedication. There is no minimum amount and a gift of any size helps build a future where Avon's wonderful wildlife can flourish.

Our virtual Remembrance Meadow is completely free to enjoy and available to anybody who would like to share a lasting memory of their loved one.

Sow a memory in our meadow

Can I visit the Remembrance Meadow in person?

Yes! This stunning wildflower meadow can be found at our Folly Farm nature reserve, accessible via the North Hill trail. The meadow is at its best in June to mid-July, when it is brimming with flowers such as betony, ox-eye daisy and heath spotted orchid.

The meadow at Folly Farm is cut in mid-July each year, but don't worry if you miss it during its prime - we've captured this special site in its eternal summer glory for you to enjoy a quiet minute of remembrance all year round, at any time, from anywhere.

Take a look at our Folly Farm reserve page to plan your visit.

Explore Folly Farm

Get in touch

If you have any questions, or would like to speak to someone about your gift, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Call 01179 177 270 or email to get in contact with a member of our team.


Grandfather and granddaughter looking at leaf

Young girl showing her grandad a bluebell, national Forest, Spring, 2011 - Ben Hall/2020VISION

Remember your loved one in your will

Celebrate the life of your loved one by giving a gift that will truly last generations. By including a gift in your will, you can ensure that Avon's wonderful wildlife will flourish long into the future - just as your loved one did during their lifetime.

Find out more