Donald Sutherland
Remember your loved one with an online funeral collection
Thank you for choosing to arrange a funeral collection in memory of your loved one. We understand this may be a difficult time for you so please accept heartfelt condolences and sincere thanks from all of us at Avon Wildlife Trust for choosing to commemorate your loved one alongside us.
Many people choose to remember a loved one by contributing to a cause that was close to their heart. Where a bouquet will last days, your support could create sunlit woodland floors and stunning summer meadows where our precious native wildflowers can flourish long into the future.
We understand that arranging a loved one's funeral can be a very emotional and challenging time. Our online funeral collections are quick and simple to set up, and offer a single dedicated space where you can share the details of your loved one's service, collect donations and pay tribute to your loved one by sharing thoughts, photos and memories alongside family and friends.

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Set up an online funeral collection
We work in partnership with MuchLoved to provide a free tribute service where you can remember someone special, and fundraise in their memory. Creating an online funeral collection is completely free and only takes a moment to set up. Simply follow these three steps to get started:
1. Create your funeral collection page with MuchLoved using the button below.
2. Personalise your page with photos, memories and details of your loved one's funeral.
3. Share your funeral collection page with friends and family.
A gift of any size can help bring wildlife back in Avon. Your loved one’s memory will live on in the future that your kind donations help bring us closer towards - where the woodlands are filled with birdsong in spring; bees and butterflies are abundant in rare grassland meadows; and kingfishers flash their colours in healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. Thank you.
Frequently asked questions
Can I direct people to my online funeral collection page on the order of service?
Yes - adding a link to your online funeral collection page to the order or service is a simple and easy way to give friends and family an option to donate in memory of their loved one without having to rely on having cash at hand. When you set up an online funeral collection, you will be asked to create a unique URL that will take you to your dedicated online page, which you can then share with friends and family. If you have chosen to make your page public, anybody can follow the web address to contribute in memory of your loved one.
You can also link your funeral collection page in the order of service using a unique QR code linking to your collection's homepage. Simply select "Tribute Settings" then "Privacy & Sharing" on your page to download and share your page's QR code.
What is the difference between an online funeral collection and a tribute page?
An online funeral collection gives you a dedicated, easy-to-share, page to host photos, messages and details of your loved one's service. If you wish, you can invite memorial donations from friends and family here too. You can create a funeral collection page through our website using MuchLoved, or your funeral director may be able to set one up on your behalf.
A tribute page offers a more long-term place of remembrance, which you - along with friends and family - can make use of as much or as little and for as long as you wish.
Do you accept cash or cheque donations raised through a funeral collection?
Yes - we accept donations raised through funeral collections through the post as well through our dedicated online pages. Simply let us know who you are remembering with your gift and send to our office at the address below. Please make cheques payable to 'Avon Wildlife Trust' and send to:
Avon Wildlife Trust
17 Great George Street
You can also pass on donations raised in memory of your loved one over the phone. Give us a call on 01179 177 270 and a member of our friendly team can talk you through how to make your gift.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to transfer your gift online, you can do so using the link below:
Can I add cheque or cash donations made at my loved one's funeral to the total on my online page?
Yes - you can update the total amount raised on your online funeral collection page to include any offline donations made in memory of your loved one. However, while any donations made directly through your online collection page will be paid to Avon Wildlife Trust, any cash or cheque donations will need to be transferred to us via post, phone or through our online donation form.
Get in touch
If you have any questions, or would like to speak to someone about your funeral collection, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Call 01179 177 270 or email rhiannon.doherty@avonwildlifetrust.org.uk to get in contact with a member of our team.