Avon Wildlife Trust Connections, Collaborations & Influences

Fox cubs

WildNet - Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Avon Wildlife Trust Connections, Collaborations & Influences

Part of Something Bigger

Here at the Trust, we are connected with many influential organisations, partnerships and land owners to help advice on natures recovery, protecting and connecting wildlife sites across the region. We are part of 46 Wildlife Trusts in the UK. All Wildlife Trusts are adopting Team Wilder, as an ethos, movement or project. 

Being part of Team Wilder makes more connections, joining much needed action from a wider movement of people, groups, communities and organisations. We must join forces, learn from one another and support each other to campaign for nature's recovery.

Buff-tailed BumbleBee © Jon Hawkins Surrey Hills Photography

Buff-tailed BumbleBee © Jon Hawkins Surrey Hills Photography

To name a few names...

West of England Nature Partnership - WENP
The West of England Nature Partnership (WENP) is a cross-sector partnership working to restore the natural environment in the West of England through embedding the value of nature in decision making across spatial planning, public health and economic development. AWT advise on the Nature & Health Strategy and the Nature Recovery Strategy. Through WENP, AWT is connected to many other organisations with similar values.

The One City Approach - Bristol One City
The One City Approach brings together a huge range of public, private, voluntary and third sector partners within Bristol. They share an aim to make Bristol a fair, healthy and sustainable city. A city of hope and aspiration, where everyone can share in its success. AWT is on the Environmental Board.

Bristol Avon Catchment Market
AWT work with landowners to develop nature-based solutions to encourage natures recovery and delivers verified environmental outcomes and ensures value-for-money for ethical buyers of environmental services.

West of England Combined Authority 
The Combined Authority was set up in 2017 to make decisions and investments that benefit people living and working in Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Together, their aim is to deliver economic growth for the region and address some of our challenges, such as productivity and skills, housing and transport. In particular, the

Environmental strategies and plans

that include Climate Action Plans, Green Infrastructure Strategy and Nature Recovery Networks.

Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership
A unique network of organisations that have pledged to work towards a sustainable city with a high quality of life for all.

Natural History Consortium
Engaging people with the natural world through collaborative action. The NHC bring many influential organisations together through events, projects and campaigns, including the Festival of Nature, the City Nature Challenge, Communicate, Bioblitz and coordinating communications around the One City Ecological Emergency declaration. 

7 spot ladybird

Jon Hawkins


Natural England
The Trust works with Natural England, who have ultimate oversight of the condition of our Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and also manage Stewardship and Grant Schemes. 

Local Council Relationships include
 wildlife planning and development

The Trust works in collaboration with local councils:

Winter birds

(c) Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Local Organisations and Trusts

Avon Wildlife Trusts works in collaboration with the following local organisations, to support work towards a shared vision to bring wildlife back to Avon.

The B-Lines are a series of ‘insect pathways’ running through our countryside and towns, along which we are restoring and creating a series of wildflower-rich habitat stepping stones. They link existing wildlife areas together, creating a network, like a railway, that will weave across the British landscape. This will provide large areas of brand new habitat benefiting bees and butterflies– but also a host of other wildlife.

Beaver Partnership Management Group

Forest of Avon Trust
AWT collaborate on the Forest of Avon Plan, engagement and comms as well as tree planting in the local area.

Woodland Trust 

National Trust

Avon Needs Trees

Bristol Parks Forum

Water Companies

The countryside charity, passionate about making the countryside a better place for everyone to love, work and enjoy.

Bristol Naturalist Society 

AONB Units in the

Mendip Hills and The Cotswolds
The Trust works with the area Rangers and Managers to maximise natures recovery.

The Rivers Trust and BART - Bristol Avon Rivers Trust

Exploring, understanding and restoring Bath’s landscape through events, resources and activities with local communities and organisations in Bath.


Jon Hawkins

Education & Wellbeing

Green Social Prescribing
AWT hold training and talks to encourage well-being engagement through nature based activities.

Educational Institutions for all age ranges of young people to help support students and teachers learn about the engaging with nature and the important role they play in protecting the environment in the future. Schemes such as the Princes Trust have targeted young people via the Trust. Folly Farm is an ideal site for inspiring young nature enthusiasts. 

Green Social Prescribing The Trust holds training sessions, activities and talks to encourage well-being engagement through nature based activities. 

Badger in evening light

Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION

Be Part of Team Wilder


Everyone is welcome to be part of Team Wilder - connect with nature and feel the benefits for yourself. We want everyone to take action for nature, this can be at home, at work or school, with a local group or in your community.


1. Sign up to Team Wilder emails to see how easy it is to take action for nature. We all have a part to play.

Sign up to Team Wilder

2. Share your actions by logging them on the map below and tell us about it. Sharing is caring and by showing the small and large actions, we will support and inspire each other. 

Tag us on social media @avonwt
or email us communications@avonwildlifetrust.org.uk