Autumn planting and mini meadows

Autumn planting and mini meadows

West Bristol Climate Action

Autumn is an ideal time of year to get planting! The ground is still warm from summer as the season changes. It's time to tuck in your wildflower plant babies, ready for spring. Our urban nature haven, Grow Wilder, have put together a tried and tested wildflower meadow pack to give pollinators a boost in local gardens and community spaces.

What is a mini meadow?

Wildflower meadows in the UK have dramatically decreased in size over the past 80 years, by 97%! Wildflowers provide nectar and pollen for insects, foodplants for their larvae and seeds for birds, as well as supporting hedgehogs and other small mammals. Not only that, wildflower meadows store carbon and filter pollutants!

The good news is that you can add native wildflowers to your garden with a mini meadow, which will support your local wildlife. A mini meadow can be any size or shape – it’s an area in your garden, such as part of your lawn, where you plant wildflower seeds and bulbs.

Our lawns are so much more than just a patch of grass, they’re a central part of many gardens and open spaces. They’re a bridge between our living space and the wild world that surrounds it. Lawns can be a place to play and relax, whilst still making room for wildlife. A wilder lawn or mini meadow holds many benefits for people and wildlife.

Mini meadow benefits

  • Mini meadows are beautiful and full of life! You can convert all or some of your grass lawn or community space.
  • They are low maintenance. Once the initial work of planting them in is done, you only need to mow the area once or twice per year.
  • You’ll be providing important habitat space and food for numerous bugs, bees, butterflies, hoverflies, beetles and moths. Power to the pollinators!
  • These bugs feed more wildlife, including birds, bats and hedgehogs.
  • Pollinators pollinate the wildflowers, which self-seed to help spread.
  • You’ll be doing your bit for local wildlife, connecting green spaces.
Mini meadow Stephanie Chadwick

Stephanie Chadwick

Let’s get planting!

The wildflower nursery at Grow Wilder have been supplying gardens, community spaces and local organisations with native wildflowers for 13 years. They have developed a tried and tested wildflower meadow pack, which includes over twenty-five species. The pack is suitable for beginners, you don't need any wildflower knowledge or experience to make this work. Everyone should be able to experience the benefits of a mini meadow!

The Grow Wilder 10m2 or 25m2 mini meadow packs are designed for gardens, of any shape, at home. It has taken out the guesswork of what to plant with this mix of wildflower seeds and plug plants. For working examples of this mix, check out the mini meadows at Grow Wilder, Clifton Hill meadow with West Bristol Climate Action group, College Green and St Mary Redcliffe in Bristol.

We have a step-by-step guide, based on converting a patch of lawn in autumn or spring. The turf is turned to hold back the grass, whilst the seeds germinate and the plug plants get established. The grass will gradually come back and is an essential part of a wildflower meadow. Many species of butterfly depend on different wild grasses.

Bee on knappweed

Marcus Wehrle

Create your own mini meadow

Autumn planting