'Jaguars in the Clouds' with Xavier Tobin from Rainforest Concern


Xavier Tobin

'Jaguars in the Clouds' with Xavier Tobin from Rainforest Concern

Baptist Church Hall, Baptist Church Hall, Keynsham, BS31 1DS
A talk by Xavier Tobin from charity Rainforest Concern, who has spent months in the field in Brazil tracking jaguars and giant otters and will speak about the research being carried out.

Event details

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7:30pm - 9:00pm
A static map of 'Jaguars in the Clouds' with Xavier Tobin from Rainforest Concern

About the event

Xavier has spent months in the field in Brazil tracking jaguars and giant otters. He has worked with Brazilian/National
Geographic teams researching five metre+ black caiman, 150kg+ arapaima, tucuxi and pink dolphins. The teams GPS
tagged, surveyed, measured and sampled tissues for studies from genetics up to distribution.

In this lecture Xavier speaks about some of his experiences with these animals and conservation research he has been
involved with. He focusses on the significance of alpha predators and habitat connectivity, linking these concepts to
projects being run from Bath, such as the incredible work of Rainforest Concern.


Keynsham Local Group



£3.50 for Avon Wildlife Trust members, £4.50 for non-members. Includes refreshments served at 7.15pm.

Additional booking information

No pre-booking required.

Contact us

Kathy Farrell
Contact number: 07850508702
Contact email: keynshamawt@gmail.com