Terry Whittaker
The Great Big Nature Survey
Take the survey today!
Welcome to The Great Big Nature Survey! This is the biggest people and nature survey covering England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.
The Wildlife Trusts want to hear your opinions on some of the biggest questions surrounding nature and our collective role in caring for it.
🌍How often do you spend time in nature, if at all?
🌍Is nature important to you? If so, how important?
🌍What, if any, roles should people, business, and government have in managing nature?
Are you aged 13-17? There's a version of the survey just for you.
Click here to have your say
Make your voice heard and complete The Great Big Nature Survey
Please take the survey again if you've completed it before. This helps us to see how public opinion is changing over time.
What's it all for?
The Wildlife Trusts are running this survey to find out what people in the UK really think about nature and how we, as a society, should protect it. Results also help The Wildlife Trusts to hold the government to account over its environmental policies and priorities. For example, did you know that:
- 84% of the UK public have taken at least one action for nature and climate in the past year - are you one of them?
- 93% of the UK public believe that either the loss of nature, climate change, or both, are serious threats to humanity – do you agree?
- Pollution, climate change, and urbanisation are seen as the leading threats to nature amongst the public - what do you think?
We're passionate about empowering people to take action for nature. Have your say on these important issues by completing the survey today!
Remember that we'd love for you to take the survey again if you've completed it before.