Charfield Meadow
A secluded reserve, sheltered by hedges and scrub, carpeted with wildflowers and home to many butterflies.
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open at all timesBest time to visit
March to AugustAbout the reserve
Charfield Meadow is a very quiet and secluded reserve, sheltered on most sides by hedges and scrub. In springtime the grassland is a mass of cowslips and forget-me-nots, and in later months, dyer's greenweed, betony and saw-wort come into flower, adding daubs of colour. Throughout the summer, large numbers of butterflies take advantage of the sheltered, flower-rich meadows. Orange-tips and brimstones are amongst the first to be seen, but later in the year look out for ringlets and meadow browns. A small wet 'flush' can be traced running through the middle of the reserve, with its own special plantlife - look out for ragged robin and sneezewort. The land was sold to the Trust in 1988 by British Rail.