Get to know the thick-legged flower beetle! These beautiful, green-suited insects are part of the group called beetles, or Coleoptera if you like to use scientific names. The Beatles are the most prolific band of the 60s whereas beetles are currently the most diverse animal group of all time. One In four animals known to science is a beetle.
So hypothetically, if you had a bag with one of every described animal species and put your hand in to take one out, a quarter of the time it’ll be a beetle! So, to put it another way the thick-legged flower beetle, or oedemera nobilis, is one in around 400,000 beetle species.
I think they’re fascinating, but I wish they were a bit bigger as then people (myself included) could appreciate them a lot easier. But while it’s the size it is - it’s just right to hang out where it does and, act as an important pollinator.