Walton Common


(c) Pete Evans

Walton Common

A grassland and woodland famed for its wildflowers and butterflies, with excellent views of the Gordano Valley.


2 B3124
BS21 7AP

View on What3Words

A static map of Walton Common

Know before you go

25 hectares

Entry fee


Grazing animals

Yes - Dexter Cattle

Walking trails

Pathways allow access across site, but can be steep for the less able. There is a stile to cross to allow access. Not ideal for wheelchairs and pushchairs


There are three public footpaths that allow access through this site. Pathways can be steep and slippery when wet. Not ideal for wheelchairs and pushchairs


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to August

About the reserve

Walton Common has excellent views of the Gordano Valley and, above the quarry, across the Severn Estuary. It is a calcareous grassland reserve surrounded by woodland renowned for wildflowers and butterflies.

Wildflowers on Walton Common include thyme, marjoram, rock-rose, St John's wort, autumn gentian and violets.

Dexter cattle have been introduced to graze the reserve and their presence is essential to prevent scrub and bracken encroachment. An underground electric fencing system has been installed, which effectively creates invisible barriers, stopping livestock straying beyond the boundary.

Butterflies include common blue, brown argus, grizzled and dingy skipper, green and purple hairstreak, and dark green fritillary.

Grasshoppers, glow-worms and many varieties of moth are also found on the Common. The scrub and woodland edge provide food and nest-sites for blackcap and whitethroat. Buzzard, kestrel and sparrowhawk can be seen hunting across the Common.

Walton Common is both a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and home to the prehistoric remains of a Scheduled Ancient Monument called the 'banjo'.

Contact us

Avon Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 0117 917 7270