Community space: Thornbury Orchard Group
Name: Thornbury Orchard Group
Category: Community Space
Area: Thornbury, South Gloucestershire
Tell us what you or your group love about your garden
Eileen and John: Thornbury Orchard Group brings the community together to support nature and biodiversity. As leaders we never know what we will see when we organise a work party nor who we will meet passing through. People love to ask about the scythes we use to manage the site and the wildlife we all enjoy seeing.
Thornbury Orchard Group manages an old orchard, wildflower meadow, bee bank our local stream and so much more. We are enjoying rewilding the stream work with SGC our land lords and organisations like AWT, BART and BACP to mention a few.
What makes your garden wildlife friendly?
Eileen and John: We scythe so wildlife has time to move away and we leave long grass and wilder places in rotation. We are on a streamside walk so it is people friendly as well as wildlife friendly we like to introduce them when we can. People love to see the ruby tailed wasp which lays it eggs in the nests of solitary bees in our orchard for example. We use a gentle hand to allow nature to do its thing. It takes a lot of effort and planning to make things as wild and natural as we like.