Team Wilder wildlife garden 2024 Stoke Bishop Church of England School

Wildlife gardening competition 2024 plain

Hannah Bunn

School: Stoke Bishop Church of England School

Name: Stoke Bishop Church of England School
Category: Education
Area: Bristol, BS9

Tell us what you or your group love about your garden 
Claire: Our wildlife pond garden is a really special place at our school. It has taken 3 years to develop from an abandoned area into a thriving wildlife haven. It has brought the whole school community together with helpers from the PTA, pupils, teachers and parents. The garden has become a calm, green, safe space for many of our children who may need timeout from a busy classroom. It is also an incredible learning resource for many educational projects. 

What makes your garden wildlife friendly?
Claire: The wildlife garden has a large variety of habitats. We have pollinator friendly plants, hazel trees, a pond with oxygenating and marginal plants which are important habitats for breeding. There is also a small 'sloped beach' area which allows easy access for wildlife. Children have created bird feeders and a bug hotel, we have also left 'wilder' areas with hedgerows for larger animals and birds. A compost area has also become an excellent habitat for mini beasts and slow worms. 

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Stephanie Chadwick