What do we publish?
We publish a range of publications from our members’ magazine - Wildlife, guides for walks in the area, our annual review and reports, educational resources, and publicity materials.
All publications
Our Strategy
10-year strategy 2020-2030
Annual Reports and Financial Statements
Impact Reports
Nature reserve leaflets
Walking guides
Wild Avon Magazine

Photo (c) Barbara Evripidou
Impact Report 2022
We work to create, connect and care for places rich in wildlife, champion the value of nature and inspire people and communities to care for nature.

(C) George Cook

Our members receive Wildlife magazine twice a year as a membership benefit, packed full of news and features showing the work we're doing with others across Avon and the impact its having. You can download past issues of Wildlife below, or you can become a member and get the magazine through your door.
We have guides to our top 20 nature reserves and our top 10 walks, in ancient woodlands, across wildflower meadows, through nationally important wetlands, and to an Iron Age fort. They feature practical details, what wildlife to look out for throughout the seasons, and where to go for stunning views. See below for all walking guides.