Cache your cash for wildlife

Cache your cash for wildlife

£1,470 of £10,000 goal

Plant the seeds of a wilder future this autumn

We need your help to unlock funding to build a wilder Avon for people and wildlife! Donate today to nurture the seeds of a future where local wildlife can thrive.

Just as jays gather their winter larder by burying ‘caches’ of acorns they can then dig up when food is scarce, we are hard at work foraging for ways to build a wilder future for the wildlife you love.

One of the ways we do this is through applying for charity grants, which fund our projects and ensure that we are able to continue our vital work with wildlife and the community.

Many grant funds are unlocked by public donations from the community – this is where you come in.

We need your help to establish our very own ‘cache’ to make Avon a wilder and more nature-friendly place!

Like a jay with its winter stash, donations from generous supporters like yourself will be gathered to ensure that we can act quickly to unlock funding for future projects.

Your gift could help inspire the next generation of nature-lovers and secure new land to restore local wildlife.

I want to plant the seeds of a wilder future

Your donation could be worth 10x more!

£25 could unlock £250

This could help create buzzing, biodiverse wildflower corridors so that our precious pollinators can move from place to place.

£50 could unlock £500

This could help provide young people with the skills needed to take action for nature in their local communities.

£100 could unlock £1,000

This could help secure new land for the benefit of wildlife, creating connected, resilient habitats where some of our most threatened species can thrive.

Please donate today to plant the seeds for a brighter, more biodiverse future for your local wildlife and wild spaces.

How will my gift help?

Our vision is to secure 30% of land and sea for wildlife by 2030. With a little over five years to go, it is vital that we act together now to make this goal a reality.

Please join us today in planting the seeds of a future where the wildlife we love can thrive. Every gift saved for a rainy day will make a difference for generations of wildlife to come.

I want to plant the seeds of a wilder future

I love seeing the incredible flash of colour and hearing the chattering of jays in the trees around Ashton Court and elsewhere in Avon, knowing they're playing a vital undercover role of rewilding our countryside by planting future generations of oaks. By donating today, you will be joining our industrious wild neighbours in nurturing a future where our wonderful local wildlife can thrive.
Sam Pullinger, Grants Manager
Avon Wildlife Trust