Woodland homes for wildlife
Help provide hope for a wilder future this spring
1 in 6 UK species are at risk of extinction. Take action now to help build a future that nurtures threatened wildlife.
Woodland species have declined due to poor, fragmented habitats and the loss of traditional management practices like coppicing. Additional pressures from climate change are stirring up a storm that many species simply can't weather.
Dormice, hedgehogs and bats should be stirring from their slumber between March and April, but warmer, wetter winters may have caused some hibernating animals to wake too frequently or too early. This can affect their ability to recover and breed successfully in spring.
Human activity has hastened climate change; now we need to help the wildlife we love adapt. Together, we can provide a landscape rich with dynamic, connected habitats where our most threatened species can thrive.
Please donate today to create spring sanctuaries for your local woodland wildlife.
Help restore woodland homes for your wild neighbours
We may not be able to stop climate change in its tracks, but we can build a landscape that can weather the coming storm.
Poor and fragmented woodland habitat has left species such as the endangered marsh tit under threat - with populations declining by 80% since the 1960s. This spring, you can help change this.
Uniform plantation woodlands - where trees grow too close together - don’t support a diverse range of wildlife. Many species rely on woodland wildflowers, smaller trees and shrubs for food and shelter, but these simply don’t grow where the canopy blocks out the light.
Donate today to let the light in. Together, we can transform our wild neighbours’ woodland homes into flourishing habitat havens where our most threatened species can thrive.
My hardworking team and I are responding to changing weather patterns with different approaches to woodland management. You can help us take our lead from nature, creating glades, ponds and life at every layer of the woodland.Bernie D'Arcy, Head of Nature Reserves & Land ManagementAvon Wildlife Trust
Yes, I want woodland homes for wildlife
How can I help?
Your gift could help create connecting pathways known as rides, and glades within the woodland. Barren, shaded forest floors can flourish into blossoming, sunlit safe havens for woodland wildlife.
A rich, growing understorey can provide a wealth of flowers and fruits for dormice to snack on and sheltered hidey-holes to protect nesting birds from predators.
Strong, healthy ground plants can slow the flow of rainwater across the woodland floor. With climate change bringing increasingly frequent storms, this protects our precious soil and reduces the risk of flooding for both people and wildlife.
Donate today to help restore woodland homes for your local wildlife. Your gift could provide hope for a wilder future this spring.

Donate £25
This could help create wildlife-rich micro woodland habitats such as temporary ‘ephemeral’ ponds, perfect for dragonflies and damselflies.
Donate £50
This could help provide cosy nooks and crannies in a ‘veteranised’ tree where bats can nestle down to roost safely.
Donate £100
This could help regenerate an area of plantation woodland, opening up the forest floor to spring sunlight so a flourishing understorey can grow beneath the canopy.Find out more
Want to learn more about what we're doing to restore woodland homes for wildlife in Avon? Follow the link below to find out more: