30 by 30 Appeal
It is no secret that wildlife is disappearing at an alarming rate and the threat of climate catastrophe is a constant worry. We live in a time of ecological and climate emergency.
There is still hope for us to fight back against these twin emergencies, but we must act now. Time is running out. Together with The Wildlife Trusts across the UK we are trying to raise £30 million to help at least 30% of our land and sea be connected and protected for nature’s recovery by 2030.

Donate £30
This could buy equipment for volunteers to improve habitats across the city
Donate £300
This could install 25 dormouse boxes to help increase numbers of this endangered species
Donate £3,000
This could produce 3,375 plug plants to create a buzzing wildflower meadowWe want to accelerate our work to bring wildlife back across Avon by connecting and restoring beautiful wild places – places that also store carbon and help tackle the climate crisis too. We want to make more space for nature to return in abundance and give our struggling wildlife the chance to recover. 30% is the bare minimum that nature needs to start recovering but we are far short of this and need your help to turn things around.
We have a solution
The aim for our strategy is to protect 30% of land and sea in Avon for the benefit of wildlife by 2030. This means securing new land to protect wildlife through purchase, gifts and working in partnership. This new land will help to deliver nature’s recovery by creating bigger, better, more joined-up habitats.
Our dedicated nature reserves are unique and special habitats. We want these habitats and their wildlife to flow into surrounding land, allowing nature in Avon to recover on a landscape scale. To help make this happen we will work with other landowners across the region, as well as on our own newly acquired land, in managing sites for wildlife.
The aim is to bring back nature everywhere, including the places where people live. Can you help put nature into recovery today?
You can take action to help local wildlife
People just like you are taking positive action to make a difference for local wildlife. If 1 in 4 people started to do this, we'd reach a tipping point in favour of nature's recovery.
Donate to help secure 30% of land and sea by 2030
Contact us
Want to get in touch with the team?
Phone: 01179 177 270
Email: mail@avonwildlifetrust.org.uk
Want to make a donation by cheque in the post? Make cheques payable to Avon Wildlife Trust and send to:
30 by 30 Appeal, Avon Wildlife Trust
17 Great George Street