Avon Wildlife Trust supports Weston Big Wood campaign

Avon Wildlife Trust supports Weston Big Wood campaign

Avon Wildlife Trust stands in support with the Save Weston Big Wood campaign, which is calling for the protection of this beautiful and unique site from the threat of development.


Ancient woodlands like these have developed over centuries and are now amongst the most fragile and rare of all landscapes in the country. Once damaged they cannot be restored.

Weston Big Wood also plays a vital role in connecting areas of open grassland, other woodlands and wetland moors in the Gordano Valley, allowing wildlife to move and thrive across this landscape. Gordano Valley is one of the most important areas for wildlife in the West of England, with wetland moors that have been designated as a National Nature Reserve. With 56% of our species in decline and 15% in danger of disappearing completely, we need to do everything we can to protect wildlife and allow it to thrive in the future.

Building next door to this beautiful ancient woodland in the Gordano Valley would damage wildlife and destroy a rich habitat. We are working with local councils to ensure that the housing needed in our area can be built in ways that enhance rather than damage the natural environment. Clearly, not all locations are suitable for development and building here would be totally inappropriate.

We are calling on North Somerset Council to refuse proposals to develop this land.

A public meeting will be taking place at 7pm on Monday 20th September at Somerset Town Hall, which Avon Wildlife Trust will be attending.

For more advice about the planning system, or if you want to respond to a planning application, check out our how-to guide