Thank you for taking action for nature
Did you know that the total area of gardens in the UK is greater than that of nature reserves? All small (and large) actions for nature make a big difference and benefits both people and wildlife.
Team Wilder is a new approach from the Trust, which aims to inspire and empower actions for nature, on every scale. Be part of this growing movement of people who notice and celebrate nature in their day-to-day lives, enabling action to be achievable and the ‘new norm’.
Research shows that people are more likely to change their behaviour if people like them and people that they trust are already modelling those behaviours. Similarly, people are more likely to have the confidence to try something new if there’s a supportive community doing it.
What is taking action for nature?
It’s useful to take global problems, like the ecological emergency, and make them relevant to our day-to-day lives.
Taking action for nature at home includes growing pollinator-friendly plants in pots, having a small wild patch in your garden, choosing native hedges or adding hedgehog holes in fences, mini ponds, bug or bee hotels, not using pesticides, installing birdboxes, sharing wildlife sightings with neighbours or on social media and being a valued member of the Trust.
Thank you to all those who have already shared their actions for nature – feel free to add more!
It’s easy to get involved and be part of Team Wilder
This magazine is all about amazing people doing something for nature, like Shanti, in BS2, who takes great pleasure in growing food and flowers. Grenville, in BS5, inspired his street to be more green and Stephanie, in BS9, rewilded her garden with beautiful wild patches and a pond.
Team Wilder supports actions for nature through sharing resources local advice about wildlife gardening, bee hotels of all shapes and sizes, dead hedges and natural barriers, ponds, bug hotels and more. Start small and don’t be afraid to fail! See what worked and what didn’t for people in Avon, prepared to be inspired!

Be part of something bigger
The Team Wilder actions map highlights what people are doing for nature, locally. By filling out the form and using the pre-paid envelope or by uploading your actions online, you will motive others and connect the actions to neighbouring gardens and green spaces. You could create a green corridor or hedgehog highway.
Avon Wildlife Trust wants to bring wildlife back to our area and we need your help. We can achieve this together as Team Wilder!
Be part of Team Wilder
All actions for nature collectively add up and creates life for people and wildlife.
Share your actions for nature, like Tom by sharing and tagging @avonwt on social media and
Log your actions for nature on the map