Help out hibernators

Help out hibernators

£9,250 of £25,000 goal

Help vulnerable hibernators this winter

We’re all feeling the effects of warmer winters and shifting weather patterns. For species already experiencing dramatic declines – how many hibernations do they have left?

The impact of climate change and habitat loss have left some of our most threatened hibernators vulnerable to the challenges of increasingly unseasonable weather.

It’s vital that hibernators can find enough food to build up reserves before winter and to replenish them as soon as they wake up in spring.

Dormouse (c) Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

Your local dormice, bats and hedgehogs need you to help build a dynamic, resilient landscape, rich with the shelter and food they rely on to survive through the winter and beyond.

Please give a gift to help vulnerable creatures enjoy many more hibernations.

I want to help out hibernators this winter

Why are our hibernators under threat?

The dramatic decline in dormice, our local hibernators, is emblematic of habitat loss and climate change.

Hibernating animals should be safely tucked away by October to November, but unseasonably warm weather can cause them to enter hibernation later; stir from their slumber too frequently; or emerge too early.

Loss of woodland and hedgerows has left our hibernators’ traditional habitat fragmented. Insects, flowers and fruit that animals rely on to survive through their hibernation can be harder to find.

This leaves our hibernators isolated, vulnerable, and struggling to adapt to the further challenges of our increasingly extreme weather.

Hedgehog in autumn leaves (c) Tom Marshall

According to the latest State of Nature report, 1 in 6 UK species are at risk of extinction – making it all the more important that we protect and enrich the wild places our local hibernators call home. Our shrinking dormice populations are limited to southern England so it’s vital that we build a better future for them locally.

This is where we can help. Together, we can take steps to build a more resilient landscape where our wonderful wildlife can flourish into the future. Donate today and help create habitat havens for your local hibernators. Now, more than ever, they rely on food and shelter to survive winter.

Become a hibernator hero this winter

Help build a wilder future where our most threatened wildlife can thrive

Improve local habitats to put nature into recovery

We know that conservation action can reverse biodiversity loss, so we must act now to create a wilder future that can stand up to the challenges of the climate crisis. We have a chance to take action to support hibernators with the food and shelter they rely on.

The woodland we manage in Avon can offer safe homes for dormice, hedgehogs and bats. We want to go further to improve and connect natural habitat across our region to put these species on the path to recovery.

You can support the creation of sunlit woodlands that provide aerial homes for bats, a flourishing ‘understorey’ which gives dormice safe passage above the ground, and the natural larder of fruits, flowers, insects and nuts that they all need to break their long winter fast with.

Please donate today to build a wilder future for our hibernators to wake up to. Thank you.

Dormouse footprints on footprint tunnel

Donate £25

This could help our hardworking volunteers install a series of footprint tunnels to monitor local dormouse populations

Donate £50

This could ‘veteranise’ a tree, advancing the natural, centuries-long ageing process that creates horseshoe bats’ preferred roosts

Donate £100

This could help transform woodlands for the benefit of wildlife through coppicing and conservation grazing