Team Wilder wildlife garden 2024 St Andrews Church School

Wildlife gardening competition 2024 plain

Hannah Bunn

School: St Andrews Church School

Name: St Andrews Church School
Category: Education
Area: Bath, BA1

Tell us what you or your group love about your garden 
Holly: Our wildlife garden is the home of our Forest School sessions at School. St Andrews Church school is an urban, one form entry school, They have limited outdoor space and try to make the most of what we have access to. Many of the children don't have gardens at home, each class has 6 sessions a year, through the seasons to be in the space.

Our conservation area is off site, across the road and in a small patch of land which belongs to the school. Our children love to come to the area to play, enjoy being in a wild area, we sing and make creative things together. Allowing children access to this space gives children an opportunity to just be, we regularly run well being activities here which give the children time to just be themselves. 

What makes your garden wildlife friendly?
Holly: The space gets used weekly (probably around 36 times a year) the rest of the time the garden is left to be itself and is a wild life haven. We try to keep the activities and what we provide for the children as a leave no trace, we also have our rules 'no pick no lick' making sure that children start to realise the impact they have on the world around them.

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Stephanie Chadwick