Weston Moor


(c) Pete Evans


(c) Pete Evans


(c) Pete Evans

Weston Moor

A moor with three fields on the limestone ridge in Gordano Valley. Important for its breeding waders and rare plants.


Weston Drove
BS20 8QD

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A static map of Weston Moor

Know before you go

68 hectares

Entry fee


Grazing animals


Walking trails

Restriced access, permit holders only. A limited number of annual permits for the moorland area are available to members only. Please contact the Trust.


Restriced access, permit holders only. A limited number of annual permits for the moorland area are available to members only. Open access is restricted to the fields north of Walton Brook, which give excellent views over the moor.


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July, October to February

About the reserve

Set in the heart of the Gordano Valley, Weston Moor is an expansive area of open moor, which includes three fields situated along the limestone ridge west of Weston-in-Gordano.

Networked with species-rich rhynes, the wet grassland is important for its breeding waders and rare plants such as cotton grass, marsh pennywort, yellow sedge, lesser butterfly orchid, frog-bit and fen pondweed.

Look out for hairy dragonfly and ruddy darter hunting above the rhynes. The Trust and Natural England have created a raised water level area across the reserve and the neighbouring Gordano Valley National Nature Reserve to encourage winter splash flooding. These timid waders find the waterlogged conditions of the fields to their benefit because of the readily available source of invertebrates.

Other birds such as little owl, linnet, reed bunting and skylark also breed in the area. Sparrowhawk, buzzard and green woodpecker are regularly recorded over the reserve.

This site was purchased and managed through support from the Heritage Lottery Fund, YANSEC, the Alan Evans Memorial Trust, Countryside Commission and public donation.

Contact us

Avon Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 0117 917 7270