Our learning programmes


Steph Sharkey

Our learning programmes

Primary Programmes

We offer both day and residential visits at Folly Farm. A residential stay at the Folly Farm Centre offers a fantastic opportunity to explore the nature reserve and wildlife at night in this inspirational learning environment. Enjoy a memorable stay with high quality, comfortable facilities, whilst building on students' learning, personal skills and class cohesion.

Our day visits will inspire and motivate your students. Whether your focus is science, sustainability, wellbeing or interpersonal skills, our experienced and passionate team will work with you to find the right outdoor learning experience for your group. Visit us in November, December, January or February and enjoy 10% off.

Folly Farm Centre

Early Years & KS1 Day Visits

How the Wild Things Live – Reception to year 2

Join us for an imaginative and immersive day in the beautiful Folly Farm woods, exploring the basic needs of life for all living things. Together we will:

  • Play energetic games to learn how all living things need water, air, food and shelter to survive
  • Get immersed in nature with sensory activities investigating the colours, smells and sounds of Folly Farm
  • Discover how the wild things of Folly Farm survive, by following a trail where children may spot the homes of birds, mice and even badgers, and look for signs of water and tasty food
  • Create a miniature woodland island for a British animal, with everything it needs to survive

Are you hungry, little caterpillar?  Reception to year 2

In this playful session, we will explore the concept of lifecycles and how animals use their senses, colour and camouflage to survive, through a focus on caterpillars and butterflies. Together we will:

  • Follow a fun trail through the woods to find out what a caterpillar needs before it can turn into a butterfly
  • Go on a leaf hunt for our hungry caterpillars then use our team working skills and creativity to make a chrysalis to protect our very full caterpillar from predators
  • Play a lively butterfly feeding game, where children will discover the connection between flowers and pollinators
  • Make a colourful butterfly collage, whilst learning about camouflage and symmetry in nature

Minibeast Detectives – years 1 & 2

We are on a mission to protect the mighty and misunderstood minibeast! In this session we will develop our skills as scientists and nature explorers, as we:

  • Follow a treasure map into the beautiful Folly woods to discover what minibeasts live in the many different microhabitats of the woods
  • Try out pond dipping to discover the weird and wonderful minibeasts that live in Folly Farm’s thriving pond and their fascinating lifecycles
  • Think about the important role of minibeasts (including pollinating flowers, decomposing soil and as food for carnivores and omnivores) and how we can look after them
  • Explore a miniature world which provides everything minibeasts need to survive and thrive

Wild Art and Wellbeing – year 2-4

Immerse yourself in the nature of Folly Farm through a range of sensory games and art activities. All activities take place in our tranquil and nature-rich woodlands and gardens. Activities will change each season, responding to the natural materials available to us. We may:

  • Explore our senses by creating a cocktail of smells, taking part in blindfolded challenges, performing a play through touch, smell and sound, or even appreciating the woods in an upside-down way!
  • Create artistic masterpieces, perhaps a colourful nature collage, making animals from natural materials, creating a leaf art gallery, or making shadow pictures.

Amongst the fun we will include ‘nature mindfulness’ to help support children’s wellbeing, by encouraging them to focus on the sights, sounds and textures of the nature around them.

KS2 Day Visits

Contrasting Habitats – years 3-5
Discover which invertebrates live in Folly Woods and lurk below the surface of our pond. What adaptions make them suited to their aquatic or terrestrial habitats? Learn all about food chains; what makes the carnivores excellent predators and find out how their prey protects themselves.

Team Building – years 3-5
On this fun and energetic day small groups of students must work together to overcome a series of challenges in Folly Food’s woods and fields. Points are awarded throughout the day for both succeeding in the challenge, and for good teamwork. Learners will be given space to reflect on their teamwork, and to connect with nature in this biodiverse landscape.  

Conservation and Sustainability – years 3-5
Explore the biodiversity of Folly Woods, and learn about food chains by making a menu fit for minibeasts (worm soup anyone?). Take part in our lunchbox challenge and find out how long your lunch waste takes to turn back to soil. After lunch explore the sustainable features of Folly Farm, including solar panels and rainwater harvesting, before discussing how we can all take action to help wildlife. 

Camp in a Day. (Includes dinner and evening session) Years 3-6

We created our Camp in a Day to recreate some the magic of a school camp. During the day you can select from our popular activities, including pond dipping, minibeast hunts, bushcraft & survival or team building games. In the evening we will have an early dinner around the fire, before heading out on a dusk walk - keeping an eye out for owls, bats and our resident badger family!

Wild Art and Wellbeing – years 2-4

Immerse yourself in the nature of Folly Farm through a range of sensory games and art activities. All activities take place in our tranquil and nature-rich woodlands and gardens. Activities will change each season, responding to the natural materials available to us. We may:

  • Explore our senses by creating a cocktail of smells, taking part in blindfolded challenges, performing a play through touch, smell and sound, or even appreciating the woods in an upside-down way!
  • Create artistic masterpieces, perhaps a colourful nature collage, making animals from natural materials, creating a leaf art gallery, or making shadow pictures.

Amongst the fun we will include ‘nature mindfulness’ to help support children’s wellbeing, by encouraging them to focus on the sights, sounds and textures of the nature around them.

Wilderness navigators - years 5-6

In this exploratory day we will discover the different habitats found at Folly Farm using a variety of navigation techniques, whilst developing knowledge of British wildlife & nature. Together we will:

  • Use a compass and map to navigate our way through different habitats whilst developing understanding of gridlines and waymarkers
  • Explore ancient tracking methods through discovering the tracks and signs of British mammals and then search for these tracks and signs at Folly Farm.
  • Develop understanding of animal identification, classification and adaptation
  • Play team building games using the knowledge we have gained

KS2 Residentials

Predators and Survival (2 Day, 1 Night)
Investigate the fine balance between predator and prey relationships; learn how wildlife survives; see the food chain in action and learn survival bushcraft skills.

Wildlife Film-making (3 Day, 2 Night)
The perfect mix of wildlife and creativity! Children will explore the 250-acre Folly Farm nature reserve create their own wildlife film, learning all the skills they need to tell a great story through their film. 

Wildlife and Teambuilding (4 Day/3 Night or 5 Day/4 Night)
Ideal for years five and six, this fun and competitive residential will test teamwork with a series of challenges and wildlife activities. 

Secondary and College Programmes

We offer day and residential visits for KS3-5 groups. We can combine any of the sessions below to create your ideal bespoke residential visit. Please get in touch to arrange your visit and receive a trip cost quote.


Nature connection and wellbeing – one day, Folly farm

Learners will enjoy advancing their collaboration skills and strengthening personal resilience throughout the day, held at our beautiful Folly Farm reserve. Immersed in diverse woodlands and pristine grasslands, this day will give learners ideas and tools to help them support their wellbeing, nurture self-esteem and encourage positive problem solving in the face of climate instability. This day will include both playful and mindful elements, including team games, natural crafts, and individual reflection.

KS3 ecology – one day, Folly Farm

Working scientifically, undertaking investigations and using appropriate equipment are fundamental principles at Key Stage 3, and we offer learners a chance to practise these skills in naturally biodiverse environments using real world ecological examples. Our stunning Folly Farm site offers contrasting woodland, grassland and pond habitats. This introductory day enables learners to implement various sampling strategies and techniques such as quadrats and transects, utilise specialised equipment to measure biotic and abiotic factors and learn foundational identification and classification of species.

The sessions can be tailored to your specification requirements and focus on one of the following themes:

  • Working scientifically: Learners will be able to justify the importance of repeatability and accuracy of investigations. Through practical application, variables will be identified and controlled for, and evaluations and conclusions drawn using evidence and critical thinking. This day visit provides teachers with a great hook to underpin the fundamental principles of scientific understanding for future investigations back in the classroom.
  • Relationships within ecosystems: Relationships within different ecosystems will be investigated with tangible examples of food webs and chains demonstrating energy transfer and the importance of photosynthesis. Through exciting challenges and owl pellet dissections, learners develop a deep understanding of healthy food webs, and appreciation of the challenges humans and the environment can face when changes to these systems occur.
  • Sustainability: Through exciting activities and thought-provoking group work, key concepts of human and physical geography and environmental science are explored. Learners examine real-world examples of land and renewable energy as resources, and the potential geopolitical conflicts that can shape their management and use. Climate change is approached through an optimistic, problem solving lens, leaving learners feeling empowered and equipped with vital understanding and resilience. This day visit enables learners to link scientific explanations to phenomena in the world around them, whilst gaining memorable insight into what sustainability truly means.


KS4 Ecology

In this intensive introduction to ecology learners work scientifically, exploring the experimental skills and strategies used to investigate, analyse and evaluate biology in situ. By delving into the levels of organisation within living ecosystems, students gain robust understanding and a deeper appreciation of the interactions occurring in the natural world around them.

Relevant sampling strategies are employed to demonstrate how species distribution, frequency, and abundance are measured, vocabulary is cemented, and the importance of biodiversity thoroughly embedded. Important techniques such as quadrats and transects are practiced in pristine woodland, grassland and pond habitats in our 250-acre reserve, ensuring learners utilise specialised equipment to measure biotic and abiotic factors and recognise foundational identification and classification of species.

The sessions can be tailored to further explore one of the following:

  • Mechanisms behind adaptations and evolution to strengthen learners’ understanding of core biological principles.
  • Key themes in Earth and atmospheric science can be highlighted, with climate change being a focus, depending on subject teacher preference.
  • Resource management and sustainable human interventions in different environments.


A-level Biology

At our stunning Folly Farm fieldwork site learners are inspired to make vital connections between the living world around us and the importance of working scientifically. The astounding biodiversity and evolutionary adaptations found within dynamic woodland and grassland ecosystems are explored and concepts such as succession brought to life in our 250-acre reserve. Curriculum-based topics explored include the roles of microorganisms, interactions of biomass within trophic levels, and the influence of human needs in the context of sustainable resource management and wildlife conservation.

Learners employ a multitude of important sampling techniques and specialised equipment to carry out experimental investigations, tailored to their specification. They are then supported to collect and statistically analyse their data, and draw appropriate conclusions and evaluations. Appreciating the interdependence between so many species, including ourselves, is pivotal for KS5 students to progress on their journey as scientists and citizens, and we look forward to inspiring your learners.

I was really pleased with the quality of tuition and how willing Lucy and staff were to work with me to personalise the course to our specific needs and syllabus requirements. I loved the extra touches like games, owl pellet dissection, badger watching.
Toot Hill School Teacher

(c) Richard Hopkins

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