Team Wilder Resources Contact your MP
How to contact your MP
There is a member of parliament, or MP, for every area in the UK. Each area is called a ‘constituency.’
You can contact your MP by letter or by email.
Find out who your MP is with this online tool. Put your postcode in the first box, and click the blue button, ‘search.’
The result will be your MP’s name. Click on that and you will find their email address and their contact address for letters. It will also tell you what to call them.
They could have two contact addresses for letters. One is their ‘parliamentary’ address, which means the address in London. The other will be their ‘constituency’ address, which is their address in your local area. This might be an office or their home address. You can write to either address.
This advice is the same for emails and for letters.
First, make sure you put your home address. This is so that they know you live in their area.

Leanne Manchester
What to say when contacting your MP
First, make sure you put your home address. This is so that they know you live in their area.
Tell them who you are and why nature is important to you. You can make this very personal but keep it short. Try to write three or four sentences.
In the next paragraph, you must tell them what you want them to do. Some ideas are:
- You want them to support stronger laws
- You want them to support a local cause
- You want them to stand against something that is happening locally, for example, a road through a nature reserve
- You want them to give you advice about a problem
- You want them to come to an event.
To speak directly to your MP
To speak directly to your MP, you can arrange a meeting. All MPs hold regular ‘surgeries’ which is when they are in your area and can speak to people. You will need to write a letter or email their office to find out when they will be free. Or you can telephone their office and speak to someone who works there.
When you ask for a meeting, explain what you want to talk about.
You can take some notes with you if you are worried about forgetting what you want to say.
Don’t worry if you’re not an expert. Be passionate about your cause. And don’t forget to take a photo and put it on social media! It can encourage other people to get involved and support you.

National Lottery Heritage Fund
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