Team Wilder wildlife garden 2024 Geoff in Warmley

Wildlife gardening competition 2024 plain

Hannah Bunn

Individual garden: Geoff Wilmer

Name: Geoff Wilmer
Category: Individual garden
Area: Warmley

Tell us what you or your group love about your garden 
Geoff: Everything! Tried to create as diverse a garden as possible. Everyday provides a natural history surprise. I can go out in my small garden and find something that surprises, excites and amazes me be it a tiny insect, plant, fungus bird or animal. I am never happier of more at peace than in my garden.

What makes your garden wildlife friendly?
Geoff: I don't use pesticides and I let native plants grow alongside wild ones. I feed the birds, hedgehogs and foxes and ensure access is there for all. I actively set up the garden for wildlife to be there alongside us whilst keeping a patio areas and standard garden kit: furniture for us humans

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Drone Individual Geoff Wilmer garden

John Seager