Team Wilder Wildlife Gardening Competition 2023 T&Cs

Good Garden Awards BS3

Blooming Bedminster

Wildlife gardening competition terms and conditions

Wildlife gardening competition terms and conditions 2023

Please read these competition rules carefully. By entering this competition, you are confirming you have read, understood and agreed to these terms and conditions. 

Entries for this competition must be submitted before the stated closing date of 16 July 2023 at 23.59 hours. After this time and date, no further entries to the competition will be permitted. No responsibility can be accepted for entries not received for whatever reason.

The promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the competition and these terms and conditions without notice, any changes to the competition will be notified to entrants as soon as possible and outlined in this page.

When entering the competition, photos or videos must have been taken in the last 12 months. Submit your garden using this form, where you'll be asked a few questions regarding your wildlife gardening practices. 

There will be a winner from each category. The winning prize for each category is as follows: wildlife camera, Â£75 Grow Wilder voucher, prints of the garden space, wildlife gardening book, ecological advice. The prize is as stated and no cash or other alternatives will be offered. The prizes are not transferable and must not be re-sold. Prizes are subject to availability and we reserve the right to substitute any prize with another of equivalent value without giving notice.

How winners will be chosen: 12 finalists will be chosen by the judging panel at AWT, 3 from each category: Individual (front or back garden, balcony or patio at home) Community (community garden or public open space managed by a community group) Education facility (primary school, secondary school, college or university) and Food growing (allotments, food growing at home or in the community, excludes commercial food growing).

Each of the finalists will be visited by the Team Wilder Community Ecologist, a photographer and possibly another AWT staff member. The finalist must be available for a visit in August to be arranged and early September for educational settings. If a date cannot be agreed upon, we reserve the right to withdraw the prize and pick a replacement winner and an alternative finalist will be selected. A case study will be created from the visit to highlight the wildlife features and photo selected for public vote.

The final winner will be selected via public vote and notified via email shortly after the public vote. The voting for individual gardens, community spaces and food growing will take place 1-15 September and 2-16 October for schools. One vote per person/email address is permitted.

One entry is allowed per person/community group/educational setting per category. For example, a community allotment may enter via the community and food growing categories. Only one category may be entered at one given time, you can only select one category at a time.

Each person/ address that enters will receive a poster. It is encouraged to put this poster in your window or public view.

If consent to share entries on social media and in the magazine is granted, photos will be kept on record with the name of the participant for use in future marketing materials. If no consent is given, entries will be deleted after all winners have been notified and claimed their prize.

The competition is open to all residents of the UK mainland in Avon, except for employees and the families of Avon Wildlife Trust.

The decision of Avon Wildlife Trust is final.

Last Updated 30.08.23

Back to Wildlife gardening competition 2023

An illustration of a community garden

(C) Hannah Bunn

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