Hannah Bunn
Sign up to the free 8 week course!
Sign up on the form below to receive a free 8 week online wildlife gardening course! Discover easy ways to take action for nature with Team Wilder by learning the basics or building up your knowledge from experts and local experience.
The course is suitable for wildlife gardening in gardens, balconies and community spaces.
Each week you’ll receive an email with a video, resource and local story. The topics covered should give you the confidence and skills to help bring wildlife back to your neighbourhood.
Team Wilder is a growing movement of people who take action for nature in their day-to-day lives. Be part of this movement by sharing what you do for nature with friends, family, neighbours and us on the Team Wilder actions map!

(C) Hannah Bunn
Be part of Team Wilder
All actions for nature collectively add up and creates life for people and wildlife.
Share your actions for nature to inspire and motivate others.
Talk about what you do to make these actions part of everyday life.
Share and tag us on @avonwt on social media as well.
Log your actions for nature on the map