Give a gift to wildlife this winter

Give a gift to wildlife this winter

Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Vixen in the Snow during winter, Cannock Chase, Staffordshire - Danny Green/2020VISION

As the weather turns colder and the nights draw in, our local wildlife needs your support more than ever.

This winter we’ll be working hard to protect wildlife and help it survive through these bleak conditions. By being a part of nature’s recovery, you can spread festive cheer to the natural world which brings us so much joy.

That’s why we’ve launched our Winter Wildlife Appeal. While our resident dormice and hedgehogs are snoozing, our busy volunteers are out in the elements improving vital local habitats. A gift of £30 can provide the tools to create welcome shelter for all the wildlife that call our hedgerows home.

Together, we can halt the rate at which our wildlife is disappearing. With Wildlife Trusts across the UK, we’re part of a movement to ensure that at least 30% of our land and sea is connected and protected for the benefit of nature by 2030.

We want to make more space for nature to return in abundance - not just during Advent, but every day of the year.

Give a gift to wildlife this winter

We can achieve this by connecting and restoring beautiful wild places – places that store carbon and help tackle the climate crisis too.

30% is the bare minimum that nature needs to start recovering, but we are far short of this and need your help to turn things around.

We believe we can turn the tide against the ecological and climate emergencies we face, both here in Bristol and across the UK, though we must act now. Time is running out, but your generosity this festive season can make all the difference.

robin and blue tit on frosty branch

Mark Hamblin/2020Vision

Here at Avon Wildlife Trust, we’re working to secure new land to restore wildlife through purchase, gifts and working in partnership with others. This new land will help to deliver nature’s recovery by creating bigger, better, more joined-up habitats.

Our dedicated nature reserves are unique and special habitats. We want these habitats and their wildlife to flow into surrounding land, allowing nature in Avon to recover on a landscape scale. To help make this happen, we work with other landowners across the region, as well as on our own newly acquired land, in managing sites for wildlife. By joining habitats up, we give our wildlife a chance to grow and thrive, creating an abundance of nature.

Winter is such a busy time for our staff and volunteers who are out creating safe homes for wildlife to use during the colder months, giving them the best possible chance of thriving through the spring and summer. Your donation will allow us to achieve more for our feathered and furry friends, both now and into the future.

Can you help put nature into recovery this December? Your generosity this winter will give wildlife a chance. Please play a part in connecting and restoring our beautiful, wild spaces.

Winter Wildlife Appeal

Can you help put nature into recovery this December? Your generosity this winter will give wildlife a chance. Please play a part in connecting and restoring our beautiful, wild spaces.
£20,114 of £30,000 goal