Blog: Abbie Hall


Give gifts with lasting impact this festive season

Along with crisp nature walks and cosy evenings in, it’s a time of year where we find ourselves wanting to give something back to the people and places that have been important to us this past…


Look out for hedgehogs this Bonfire Night

The clocks going back signals the start of cozy season, and Bonfire Night is just around the corner. Here are some tips for enjoying the festivities looking out for hedgehogs and the environment…

Barbastella bat

The fang-tastic ways we’re supporting bats

Did you know that 24 – 31 October is Bat Week? How fitting that we celebrate these wicked winged wonders in the lead up to Halloween! I wanted to share some of the ways we’ve been helping the bats…

Jay, (c) Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Cache your cash for wildlife this Autumn!

This autumn, we need your help to unlock funding to build a wilder Avon for people and wildlife. Donate today and your gift could be worth up to 10 times its value!
