Blog: Spring Birds


The morning sky and the tops of the trees

International Dawn Chorus Day 2024

I slam my hand down on the alarm and rub my eyes. Through the darkness, the light from my clock blinks 4:30am. Why would anyone be waking up this early on a Sunday morning? It’s not my birthday…

Bluebells covering the woodland floor

Natural wonders to look forward to this spring

Though it might not feel like it with the flurry of snow we’ve had this week, spring is just around the corner, and with it brings a host of glorious nature and wildlife to reawaken our senses and…

Great tit in nest box

Help local birds nestle up this National Nest Box Week

Between the 14 and 21 February it's National Nest Box week, a campaign by the British Trust of Ornithology encouraging people to help out our feathered friends by putting up nesting boxes in…

Chiff chaff in tree

Spring Wildlife

Spring is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings, with life literally bursting up around us – and this year the arrival of the warmer weather feels more welcome than ever. As we rejoice in the…

Woody Woodpecker

With the sunlight stronger and the hours of daylight longer spring is often the best time of the year to spot some of our elusive bird life. Even more so now, as the world has become a little…


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