Blog: urban wildlife


Robin on a branch

Winter robins

When we think of birds in winter, particularly around Christmas time, the robin is usually top of the tree.

snail on wood

Meet the Marvellous Super Slugs and Snails

I have to admit how little I knew about slugs and snails before reading the latest Wild About Gardens guide. The RHS and The Wildlife Trusts have given these incredible creatures a reputation…

7 spot ladybird

Lovely Ladybirds

A closer look at one of the UK’s most popular beetles.

Wood Mouse

Mice to meet you!

When people think of rodents, the first things that spring to mind are often negative. For millennia, humans have lived alongside rodents but often viewed them as pests, due to their habit of…

people looking out over the harbour

Harbourside Wildlife

The iconic Bristol harbourside is known for its scenery, boats, restaurants, and quintessential laid back Bristol vibe, but did you know it’s also home to lots of wildlife? This summer, Avon…

A stoat standing on a rock, one paw raised as it contemplates running

Marvellous mustelids

Mammal expert Stuart Edmunds introduces this incredible collection of carnivores.

Dog prints (c) Darren Tansley

Mammal Mysteries

Have you spotted any mysterious tracks or unexplained droppings? Wherever you live, be it in the heart of Bristol, in leafy suburbia or somewhere more rural, the Avon area is rich in opportunities…


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