Blog: Woodland


A phoenix hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) lying alive over an old quarry hole and reorientating itself skywards, in the woods at Browne’s Folly.

Phoenix trees: The trees that fall and rise again

This week, our Living Landscape Officer Robert Stephens writes about an amazing phenomenon that you may have seen but not necessarily known had a name and a story all of its own: phoenix trees.…


Hidden forests of lichen

While out on your daily exercise close to home, hidden forests of lichen are waiting to be discovered. They thrive in almost any environment with enough light, from the rocky mosaics of dry-stone…

Wild Garlic

Spring is here so wake up and smell the garlic!

The longer, warming days are telling early bloomers it’s time to wake up. The woodland canopy is still relatively bare and won’t close until the end of spring when the trees’ leaves have grabbed…


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