Blog: Wild Blog


Badger in woodland with text reading 'So, What's next for nature?'

The results are in! So, what's next for nature?

Throughout the election campaign, it became clear that people know that our natural world is in crisis and want politicians to make the bold and ambitious commitments to reverse the decline. So…

snail on wood

Meet the Marvellous Super Slugs and Snails

I have to admit how little I knew about slugs and snails before reading the latest Wild About Gardens guide. The RHS and The Wildlife Trusts have given these incredible creatures a reputation…

7 spot ladybird

Lovely Ladybirds

A closer look at one of the UK’s most popular beetles.

The red rebels parade through bath

A Funeral For Nature

Written by Wildlife Champions Coordinator, Emma Fennell Hodson.

Oak tree at Hutton Hill

Finding Ancient and Veteran Trees

Something odd is happening in the woods. People are standing around a large tree, staring up into the branches, peering into bark crevices, kneeling down to look under the roots. Then they produce…

Roy Kareem, Black and Green Ambassador

Roy Kareem - My Wild Life

Roy Kareem is one of the Black and Green Ambassadors for 2021. This is his wildlife journey.

Water vole

The Water Vole

Kelly Hollings, Restoring Ratty Project Officer for Northumberland Wildlife Trust, explores the habits of these much-loved mammals.

Cockchafer beetle

Brilliant Beetles

Did you know that one in five of all known species on Earth is a beetle – that’s over 400,000 different beetles! And they’re dazzling in their variety, ranging from the huge 16cm-long Amazonian…
