Blog: Our Bright Future


Our Bright Future Wild Skills

Our Bright Future - Emma's Story

The Our Bright Future youth project has been a resounding success, involving hundreds of young people aged 11 - 24 in the life of the Trust, as well as training them in conservation skills and…


Our Bright Future - Brad's Story

Historically, most of the volunteers at Avon Wildlife Trust have been adults, giving their time and energy to help wildlife, enriching our work and their lives at the same time. But over the last…

Gardening with the Our Bright Future team

Our Bright Future is Green

The experience of being a teenager or young adult can be confusing and exciting – tumultuous even. Their days are a whirlwind of new passions and knowledge, often setting the course for the rest…

Common blue butterfly


A few weeks ago in our Scout meeting we headed out into the dark, with head-torches and wooly hats. We split into groups, grabbed trowels and bulbs and set off. Using the light of our torches, we…


Cracking Pond Gromit!

During the October half term, the Avon Wildlife Trust Our Bright Future team and a group of young voluntary conservationists visited Aardman studios for a grand day out! These budding…


Work Experience Immersed in Nature

What’s it like to work for the largest charity protecting wildlife in the west of England? This summer, 32 students aged between 14 and 17 years old got to find out as they took part in our Work…


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