Award winning, bloomin’ marvelous gardens!
It’s party thyme for these award-winning green spaces! Meet our Team Wilder Wildlife Gardening Competition finalists.
It’s party thyme for these award-winning green spaces! Meet our Team Wilder Wildlife Gardening Competition finalists.
Ponds and water are a focal point in most outdoor spaces, an attractive and beneficial feature that has the gift of life and will quickly become home for many different species of wildlife.
I have to admit how little I knew about slugs and snails before reading the latest Wild About Gardens guide. The RHS and The Wildlife Trusts have given these incredible creatures a reputation…
No Mow May is a campaign created by Plantlife, which encourages everyone with a lawn to do nothing in May and into the summer! This is an easy action for nature, you simply let your lawn grow…
Take action for nature by doing nothing at all! Sounds good to us, as well as to the bees, butterflies and local wildlife who’ll benefit.
No Mow May is an exciting opportunity to give nature the time and space to thrive. It’s an easy sell to people – less work, more for nature – with very significant results for minimal effort.…
With Easter coming up along with a half term break for your little explorers, we thought we’d share some ways that you can get creative with nature and welcome more wildlife into your green space…
Team Wilder FAQs, Team Wilder Introduction Talk
Did you know that 41% of insect species face extinction? The loss of their habitats and overuse of pesticides are two major reasons why these little creatures are dying out eight times faster than…