Blog: Bird Watching


A redwing sits on a branch

Migration marvels

Bird migration is amazing. As a feat of endurance over large distances with frequent hazards, the ability of birds to navigate their way is an avian wonder.

two flying swifts

Swift Awareness Week

With over 600 bird species living in or visiting the UK, choosing a favourite can be atricky thing to do. Do you go with one of regular visitors to your garden, like the friendly sparrows living…

The morning sky and the tops of the trees

International Dawn Chorus Day 2024

I slam my hand down on the alarm and rub my eyes. Through the darkness, the light from my clock blinks 4:30am. Why would anyone be waking up this early on a Sunday morning? It’s not my birthday…

 A waxwing in flight

A Waxwing Winter

Discover the bird that’s a favourite amongst birdwatchers, despite the fact that most rarely see one.

Starlings in the autumn sky

7 reasons to get into bird watching this autumn!

You might think that any hobby that takes place outside would be better enjoyed in the spring or summer under blue skies and glorious sunshine. However, when it comes to bird watching, I would…

flying swift

Swift Awareness Week 2023

Summer is a brilliant time of year to be outside. Long, warm evenings sat out on the downs with friends. The sound of calling gulls and the excited cheers over a game of spikeball. The smell of…

Common Sandpiper

Wading into autumn

For many birdwatchers things are just hotting up! We might have reached the end of summer, but this is when a group of birds known as waders start to appear on our shores. Here are ten waders to…


Using nature to fight the winter blues

Winter can be a difficult time of year. As the memories of Halloween pumpkins and the joy of bonfire night fade into the distant past, winter seems to stretches in front of us with its long nights…

Buzzard Bird of prey Avon

Birds of Prey - Call of the Wild

A large grey bird flies over my neighbour’s house. “It’s just a pigeon” I think to myself and turn away before something clicks, and I snap my head back. It’s not a pigeon, but a pigeon killer. A…


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