Youth lead the way at Community Open Day
Etta Bo, Sumaya and Jessica from our Youth Leadership Group share their experience of the recent Community Open Day at Grow Wilder, which the group hosted and led on.
Etta Bo, Sumaya and Jessica from our Youth Leadership Group share their experience of the recent Community Open Day at Grow Wilder, which the group hosted and led on.
At the end of last month, a group of young people came together on a slightly tired looking patch of land just next to Grow Wilder, Avon Wildlife Trust’s urban nature reserve and food-growing hub…
A blog written by Young Volunteer, Polly Hinks.
On the first Saturday of March, I joined the 20+ young volunteers who had come out on a cold weekend morning to transform the Avon Wildlife Trust office garden from a tangle of brambles into a…
Wrap up warm, dig out your wellies, and check out our top tips for supporting you and your child’s wellbeing as winter draws to a close.
Hi there! I’m Sophie and I coordinate Avon Wildlife Trust’s Young Volunteers. We’ve already had some brilliant adventures since restarting our sessions this summer and I can’t wait to get stuck…
Summer has arrived in Avon and with it so has an abundance of wildlife. Wildflowers are blooming and filling our noses with sweet smells; swifts and swallows soar high above us, lifting our…
The Our Bright Future youth project has been a resounding success, involving hundreds of young people aged 11 - 24 in the life of the Trust, as well as training them in conservation skills and…
The experience of being a teenager or young adult can be confusing and exciting – tumultuous even. Their days are a whirlwind of new passions and knowledge, often setting the course for the rest…
A few weeks ago in our Scout meeting we headed out into the dark, with head-torches and wooly hats. We split into groups, grabbed trowels and bulbs and set off. Using the light of our torches, we…