Blog: Volunteer


Three of the WildCAT volunteers in the middle of a sything session

Who are the WildCATS in your local area?

The Wild City Action Team (WildCATS) are a dedicated and hearty group of volunteers who have been a force of nature out on the My Wild City sites for many years.

Gardening with the Our Bright Future team

Our Bright Future is Green

The experience of being a teenager or young adult can be confusing and exciting – tumultuous even. Their days are a whirlwind of new passions and knowledge, often setting the course for the rest…

Wildflowers in meadow

Coming back to my roots to say a big thank you

I have a lot of respect for people who strive to turn their interests into a career. This left me with a paradoxical feeling that whilst my own interests were in ecology and the environment, my…


My Wild Inspiration

Ella volunteers at Avon Wildlife Trust’s My Wild Child where she helps children learn about the nature around them.


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