Blog: Wildlife



Be tick aware this summer!

Summer is a fantastic time of year to be outside and enjoying nature but there are some things you have to be aware of when you are outside to make sure you are safe. Whether its avoiding the…

A common blue butterfly perched on a grass head, with its blue wings spread open

Beguiled by blues

Butterfly expert Alan Sumnall offers a thorough guide to one of our most enchanting groups of butterflies – the blues.


Wild Isles: Avon’s wildflowers

Our Communications Officer, Abbie Hall, shares a bit more about the amazing places that made a cameo in yesterday’s Wild Isles.

Bluebells covering the woodland floor

Natural wonders to look forward to this spring

Though it might not feel like it with the flurry of snow we’ve had this week, spring is just around the corner, and with it brings a host of glorious nature and wildlife to reawaken our senses and…

Two roe deer

How to show wildlife some love this Valentine's Day

Even though it’s starting to brighten up, our local wildlife still needs you to show it some love to make it through the last of the winter chill! Here's how you can make a difference for…

A stoat standing on a rock, one paw raised as it contemplates running

Marvellous mustelids

Mammal expert Stuart Edmunds introduces this incredible collection of carnivores.


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